Sep 22, 2013

How it started?

It has been somewhat like eternity, hasn't it?

If you notice the new addition to the sidebar, I've put a 'Foreword' section. It's self-explanatory already but to make things clear, I'll tell you the full story.

A few days ago, a student from 4K1 said to my classmates and I that they have to write a journal everyday for Mr. H's class. Mr. Hasrul (a.k.a Mr. H) is our English Language teacher. We told the 4K1 student that we only have to write two short stories for this semester and that's all. I must say, I felt quite relieved at that moment. I do feel like it'd awesome if we get that assignment too, somehow.

Today, after assembly, we went to the Language Lab and Mr. H asked us what's going on with our journal. Right then, I knew that we have to do that assignment. Then, Nukman asked if it's possible we write our journal in blog posts form so it'd easier for Mr. H to read it and stuff. Yep, so I knew I have to continue writing and since I already have this one, which I seldom use, why not kan?

So, people.

From now on, you'll see me writing everyday. Okay, that I cannot promise because considering that we have a camp this weekend and it's nearly impossible to have Wi-Fi in the middle of nowhere. But, let's just say I'll write almost everyday, if and only if there's no obstacle whatsoever.

For now, the only people who knows about the existence of this blog are my classmates, Mr. H and possibly those who got lost while blogwalking. I'm still considering whether or not to make it public to my schoolmates. For the time being, maybe no.

'Till then, let's finish up our assignments!

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