Oct 16, 2013

Just a boring post.

I'm at the library, my favourite place to be at during Semester I.

Yesterday, I was told that Blok A do not have Internet connection so while I'm here, I better update my blog. I don't have anything to say, really. How about eid? Let's talk about eid.

My raya was very simple, I'd say. I won't use the word normal to describe it. The norm in celebrating raya in Malaysia is just wow. So, my raya was not normal. Mama cooked lontong. Not my favourite dish but yesterday it was the best lontong I've ever had in my entire life. I wonder why.

Supposedly yesterday I should get the first draft of the magazine for BM's assignment. Nevermind, I believe the designers. Go designers, you guys could do it!

This week will be very stressful. Stressful is not the correct word but I can't think of a word right now. My vocabulary is not functioning well right now. Talk about assignments and quizzes. Then, exam is just around the corner. Weird enough, we will go camping this weekend. So, I must finish all the assignment by this week.

My head feels like there's a huge rock in it. I just need some sleep but hey, Japanese language class in half an hour. By the way, today is Day 5. May you be in His guardian, always. This headache is probably because I slept late last night. Talked about things with Yana and I accidentally fell asleep when she was talking about something. Sorry, Yana!

Today, must sleep early! But Physics quiz is tomorrow. Carry mark...exam....pointer....

May He ease.

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