Dec 13, 2013

Perkhemahan Jati Diri.

A very much overdue post but that aside, it's one of those nights when I feel like sharing something.

I am not going to tell how the camp was from the beginning to the end. I'm gonna tell you (for the sake of me not forgetting all the memories with my batchmates) a few things that I think, are worth writing. Ok laa, not really a few things but rather some people.

First one, Aniq from K4. I was in the umm, that group. I forgot the name. Sorry, guys. Hehe. Anyway, I've always thought Aniq was the fun relax gila-gila type. Probably he is but you know, he's actually very charismatic. During the night briefing, everyone was full of ideas for the tender. We told Aniq a few of our ideas but he told us to wait first and we'll discuss later. Haa, the briefing was still on actually. Dia tak kasi distracted, agaknya. What I remember most was probably during the group presentation. Geografi Kertas 3, ya XD

Next, Shaspreet. I get to know her more during the camp. Tidur sebelah-sebelah. Ouh, we're from the same group too, which I still can't remember. Haa, Tuhan, ampunilah. During the river crossing, she said we should just forget about the wetness and dirtiness and enjoy God's creation. Be grateful :')

Last one, Isaac. It was during the obstacles activity. It was raining really heavily and everyone was having fun. Everyone was very dirty too! We had to go down the military kinda thing. I don't know what it's called. The one with wire above you and you have to go low. My team just finished that one and went to the next station. I saw Issac. We were waiting fr our turn. And that was the first time Isaac talked to me. Not technically the first time but usually it was about Toastmasters but this time, he was like "Hey Alia, look. My shirt is all dirty." With a smile on his face! What I did not understand was, his shirt was not that dirty compared to mine. Dirt was on my tudung, shirt, sleeves, trousers. And Isaac just got what, dirt on his shirt. Haha lol XD It was shocking actually, we talked about other than Toastmasters.

Okay, done about the people. There's more actually. I got to know my batchmates better.

Now, the epic one, in my view lah. We had to safe an egg from cracking. The facilitator will drop the egg from his waist and we were given ten plastic straws and two papers to idk, design whatever that could save the egg from cracking. We brainstormed quite hard. Suddenly Shi Hao got an idea to do this pyramid structure using the straws and extend the end of the straws so if the egg falls, the ends should prolong the time. Yea, physics, you get the idea. Then, after much difficulties, we recited our prayers (Yes, we did that!) before the fall. We were all holding hands while the instructor drop the egg. On the second fall (the egg must be dropped three times), we could hear the cracking sound. We gasped. The third fall was really beautiful, just perfect. It fell on the end. To our surprise, despite the much convincing cracked sound, the egg survived. We almost cried. Hugged each other. It was like sending a child to an exam. Nerve-wrecking!

Another story was when Aiman Nordin told his group's story. How their egg cracked. I cried. Haaa. I cannot hear his story, it's just so full of emotions I'd cry.

Anyway, those are what I've got during the camp. Of course, there are other things too :) Ouh, please forgive me for the language mistakes here. In the mood of sharing, so things just come out no time for checking. Ishh, Alia.

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