Sep 21, 2014

For the moment.

Are you familiar with the saying that how weird it is one day people can be best of friends and the next day they'd be complete strangers? Yea, I think I am that person. One day you see me blogging two posts per day and the next day I vanished. It's hard to say this because it seems unfair to blame it all on time but life has been out of control these past few months.

I'm not going to recap what happened during those hectic months. I'm so glad I only have one thing to focus on now.

Two days ago I read back some of my previous posts and apparently I talked about assignments pretty much every day. I mean, frequently. It's quite funny because I never realize I think of it that much.

You know, sometimes I wish I could blog as often as before. Back in 2009 when I first had a blog, I was an active writer. It was quite an experience. I was in this blogging community and it was nice knowing people. Yea, I wish I could do that now. But I couldn't. Haha, over the years I've grown to be bland and boring. It's one of those years in your life where somehow you're contemplating on a lot of things.

This might be the first world problem now, we dwell on the past and future too much when the present is right on our feet.

Gonna get some lunch now! 'Till then, God knows when I'll be back here.

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