May 26, 2013

Immune system.

Ahaha, no, I'm not going to talk about Biology right now. I just, ran out of ideas when it comes to the title.

I got home on Thursday and that night I started sneezing frantically. I thought I was going to catch a normal flu but it came with fever and mild cough. The next day I woke up with runny nose and that nasal voice which I really dislike because whenever I talk, my 'm' sounds like a 'b' and my 'n' sounds like a 'd'. And what a nice sister I have because she will ejek me like there's no tomorrow T_T Yea, top that with partially husky almost no-sound voice. It felt like screaming but only air came out.

That was on Friday.

Yesterday, thing got worse. I started to feel the temperature rising. No headache whatsoever so that's good. But when night came, my body temperature increased and I can't sleep properly. I couldn't have a good night sleep. I twisted and turned for God-knows-how-many times. Couldn't breathe properly. I was even confused to cover myself with a blanket or not. Usually, no matter what the condition is like, I'd cover myself with the blanket. When I'm having fever, I'd not cover myself so the cold will bring the temperature down a little bit. We all know, fever, even if you're temperature is high, you'll feel cold. So yea, imagine having to sleep in coldness and when you use the blanket, the warmth is unbearable.

Today, I woke up with a little bit headache but still able to get it off of my mind. The headache is not that severe. By noon, the cold was still there. Got better by evening and now I'm recovering :)

Sometimes it's funny to think that the immune system is fighting, shielding to protect our bodies from the viruses. Imagine the immune as cute little thing with the army hats on, shield on one hand and sword on the other hand. Though the body is weakening, these little cute immune stuff will work extra hard and believe that we could be healthy once again. Haish, they couldn't be any cuter.

One thing to clarify, I'm not complaining about this. It's just that I have nothing to write about. Sad reason, I know. So, might as well write my experience of experiencing fever right after coming home from school at the start of the holiday.

After all, we all know, sakit penghapus dosa :)

May 24, 2013

She's back.

Stuff. I just ate something spicy, my nose is runny right now.

Alhamdulillah, final exam for semester 1 has ended. I just hope for the best :) The questions are tough, as expected. PJ, unbelievably, was tougher than Biology. Haha, shocking, I know. I should pay more attention towards those little details when reading Biology.

I'm at home right now. In my bedroom, against the wall, to be exact. I'm so excited to be at home. It's been so long I've been away from home.

Actually, I'm not in my best mood right now. I just read something that made me break. It's my fault at the first place so who's to blame? All on me. Gotta face the consequences now, haha.

I've said to myself that I will spend my holiday wisely this time. I must do some readings on the topics that I've learnt for Semester One and do some touch-ups if I've missed anything and believe me, I gotta do a lot of touch-ups! I was not serious for the first half of the semester. Big mistake! But so grateful, I realized that before it's too late. Then, I need to prepare for Semester Two. It'll be more challenging with International Language and Linear Algebra. May Allah ease :)

Oh! I got called for AFS Interview. It was the moment I've been waiting for so long! It was nerve-wrecking checking the name lists. The moment I saw my name, I went straight ahead to Julia's room, burst the new and then Ain's room. We screamed until Solehah had to come to Ain's room and was like, "Okay, why are you guys screaming?"

Probably I'll continue writing after this, given all the amenities at school so I don't have a reason not to write. Well, aside from being busy with homework but I'll find time.

I think that's all for now. Be safe, people!