Oct 22, 2013


Finally alhamdulillah, research proposal done. Not the best one but I must send it tonight so yea.

Quote for today:

"to be able to talk to your heart’s content about a book you like with someone who feels the same way about it is one of the greatest joys that life can offer." - haruki murakami

The past few days have been very hectic that I didn't get the chance to update this blog. I want to update this blog, believe me. Alas, the work loads and the shadows of exams just made my plan to update this blog go awry. Anyway, right now I'm stealing a little bit of time I've set aside to finish Biology's assignment and use this time to update this blog. Hence, this post will not be that long. Probably it will consists of my ramblings about my work and how I very much want to rewrite the research proposal and review as much others' works as possible. It's a joke to say that with the amount of time I have now. Yes, it's still 24 hours a day but minus the work loads, sleep, pray, eat...rewriting research proposal is very unlikely to happen. Sad.

I want to tell you about my experience during the Jati Diri camp. It seems like everyone is updating about the camp. I have so much to tell but ishh, assignments envies me. I also want to tell you about my research proposal but then again, Biology assignment is waiting. Ouh, I'm so sorry for not being able to tell you all these. By the time, I'm free from assignments, this camp story is old already.  Haha, dilemma of a student.

Right, time to do Biology assignment. By the way, some people is just so retarded.

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