Oct 11, 2013

Imagining disappointment.

Back at home and I couldn't be happier.

Today started off pretty good, I'd say. I woke up at 6.15.

Almost everyone was busy completing the history documentary. Students everywhere with their laptops and earphones in, editing, listening to audio. Some were begging the laptop to render the videos faster. For my group, Shaspreet had to render the video for 11 hours. That's almost 12 hours. Well, obviously but I think we've set a record. The moment the video was fully completed, we had a silent moment of joy slash almost crying moment. Aha.

I felt bad towards Miss Ing. She cancelled her holiday to teach us but things happened. I guess we were to noisy and eager to go for lunch. I could see her face reddened for she was holding her angst. Such a patient person, our teacher is. Even then, she was able to said a piece of advice to us. She told us to think positively in any situation. Even if the situation is as bad as it could get, there's always something positive behind it. We just have to seek further and open our minds.


To Miss Ing, if you're reading this. On behalf of 4K7, we would like to apologize from the deepest of our hearts for being what we were all these times. We're also deeply sorry when there were times we didn't pay full attention during class. Please accept our apology, Miss Ing. We love you to the moon and back! Heeee.

During the 10-11 gap (yep, I call the Friday break period as 10-11 gap), something happened. I considered myself blew up a little bit. I seriously don't know what to do anymore. The thing is, I'm not saying this to people who don't know and understand but I'm saying this matter t the people who know and understand. Who knows what's the importance of fostering good relationship with God in order to achieve success. Yep, to the people who know akhirat is the aim. But I guess, I've failed to convey that. Sometimes, I just think that we're selfish. We ask things from God yet we give Him so little. And we still being arrogant for what we have that He had gave yet, still make so little time for Him. Are we selfish?

Some even asked whether or not the 10-11 gap could be cancelled. That moment, my knees weaken and I sort of could feel my whole body was paralyzed for a split second. We (my exco peeps and I) have prepared a module for us (yes. All of us) so that we could understand this deen better. Imagine how disappointed we could've felt when we hear someone asking the 10-11 gap to be cancelled. That was how we felt. Humans. Imagine how God must have feel. I'd like to ask this again, what does it feels like to disappoint your God?


My father picked me up at 2.30. I slept in the car. It was raining when we entered KL zone. Plus the slow traffic. Believe me, I always get 'car sick' when I'm going back. I also get stressed because of the traffic. KL and the traffic. It's a package. You couldn't say no to one without saying no to the other as well.

As usual, I straight away wash my clothes when I got home and searched for food. Eat while watching TV and only then, I will do other stuff. Yea, I think that is it for today. The rest of my day was just normal.

1: Sorry if my way is not correct. Please kindly say it to me if I've failed to behave like how the Prophet did.

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