Oct 8, 2013

Quran at Fajr by Nouman Ali Khan

A little talk by Nouman Ali Khan.

So, here's a little sharing from me for this morning. Take a few minutes to watch the video and I hope you gain something from it. But in case you don't have time to watch the video, let me point out a few things said by this brother in the video.

Basically, the video revolves around verse 78 of Surah al-Isra'. Translation of the verse:
Establish prayer at the decline of the sun [from its meridian] until the darkness of the night and [also] the Qur'an of dawn. Indeed, the recitation of dawn is ever witnessed. [Surah al-Isra': 78]
Allah has commanded Muslims to establish prayer, which means to pray, during maghrib until very late at night. Thus, we have to pray maghrib prayer and isya' prayer, on time. Then, it is also very much encouraged to wake up early in the morning and do tahajjud. It is mentioned in the verse above, "until the darkness of the night".

Okay, the next part gets interesting. Allah said, "Quran of dawn". Here, it means, recite the Quran at fajr. Allah didn't say establish subuh prayer but instead He said Quran of dawn. It basically means, the Quran has its own right to be recited ruing fajr, during subuh time. Yes, it is still compulsory to establish subuh prayer but set aside a little bit of time after your subuh prayer to recite the Quran.

I've been trying to implement this verse in my daily life and I've practiced it for quite a few numbers of times and I must say, it really brings a lot of differences in my daily life. I guarantee you, practicing this small act will bring changes that you've never expected. The most miraculous thing is you'll see the difference immediately. You'll feel different but I can't really say how it is. You have to experience it for yourself.

So, people.

I think we should try, at least, to do this everyday. Even if we can't make it, at least, Allah sees our effort. At the end of the day, Allah sees our effort, not the effect. May Allah makes us among those who practice His religion.

That's it, people. Have a nice day! :)

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