Oct 12, 2013

Some words I found.

I have an anonymous follower. Hey there! You like my writing? I think it's a bit plain.

Here's an inspirational quote for today.

“I think that we are like stars. Something happens to burst us open; but when we burst open and think we are dying; we’re actually turning into a supernova. And then when we look at ourselves again, we see that we’re suddenly more beautiful than we ever were before.” ― C. JoyBell C.
 I've been completing my assignments today. Kakak arrive home today. Earlier, she asked me whether I want to go to Bukit Bintang. There's a sale there. A pack of five socks normally priced at RM29.90 is priced at RM5.00. And this is H&M we're talking about. Crazy, I know. But then, I had to hand in the articles for class magazine for BM assignment so I cancelled my plan to go out with my sister this evening. Hah, the cancellation of the plan better be worth it. We decided to go there tomorrow. We'll see.

In the morning, I did some Add Math questions. Now I know why some say Add Math is hard. Differentiation is difficult, I must say. Harder than function but that's a challenge. With practice everything should be fine. Well, it's actually not super hard. It's just that I do not know what formula to use for what type of question. Once I get the way of doing it, the rest will be fine. I've got problem with the beginning of how to solve it. I think that's the problem every student faces. Sometimes, I could see the trick in the question and miraculously somehow I know how to solve it but I don't know where to begin. Yep, that's Add Math. So, it's not hard at all. Right?

I discovered something very useful to me today. I've found the perfect shampoo that works for me. Okay, maybe not the perfect shampoo but the shampoo works its magic. Usually the shampoo I use will make my hair frizzy and 'puff up' after my hair has dried but this one, it made my hair nice. My hair behaved nicely today. I usually have to put olive oil when my hair has dried after using the shampoo but I don't need to do so this time. About the olive oil, it's just me and my likeness towards stuff like that. I find natural oil products good. It's just me. Continuing. I've always been experimenting with what product suits the best for my hair. Finally, after years of searching, I've found the one!

And here you are, reading me talking about hair.

I should be writing Chemistry lab report an hour ago but I was answering questions on ask fm. The questions were left unanswered weeks ago so I had to clear it before I finish the lab report. Then, I thought why not I write a post first (remember, managing this blog is also an assignment)? So, since everything is quite settled here, I shall do my lab report now.

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