Nov 13, 2012

Planning for class party and my vain randomness.

They drag me in.

I thought this November will be a 'me-month'. You know, wind down and stuff. Boy, was I wrong! You see, last year, my friend and I organise our annual class party. We had fun organizing it. We planned about the party on our way to the bus stop. Now, that's last minute in a cool way. Haha, I'm getting off the track. The party went well. Spaghetti carbonara, KFC and all.

This year, after we got the profit from Entrepreneurship Day, half of the class sat down and we discussed about our class party. I was in it for a day. A few days later, I backed out. I decided this year I want to take a break from planning part whatsoever. So my friends start planning about the party. They discussed at Facebook and all.

Today, my friend asked me how's the planning for class party. I saw that as "let's do the planning for our class party". Yes, people. I'm in. There goes my wind-down-November T_T Alas, this is a good thing. I like planning and organizing. This is a skill actually. I guess this will be useful for days when I become a university student, someday. Anyway, this year's planning is a tough one. We're still discussing about it. With a really tight budget, we need to search for the suitable food and fulfill everyone's satisfaction. Before this, they decided to go to Pizza Hut and have our class party there. I don't think that was a good idea because not everyone can taste each pizza and it's not satisfying.

I've searched high and low for caterers and all. *sighs* Maybe, we should do it like last year. We went to the supermarket for ingredients, cooked it at home and voila, class party! But that requires us to go out together and an extra-day to cook for the party. Did I mention about the venue? We don't have a venue yet. We can't do it at school like last year. SPM is going on and we absolutely don't want another lecture from the headmistress. We also need to pick the right date so that our class teacher will be able to attend the class party.

I hope everything goes smooth this year. Amin~ :D

This is nothing but my out-of-place randomness but anyway, yes, I do believe "good things come to those who wait". Be it another year, I'll wait. Though this is making me like 'cacing kepanasan', I will wait.

Macam hopeless je bunyi, haha :p

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