Nov 7, 2012


Let's talk about today, shall we?

Because yesterday I said I will be more productive and all, here's an uhmm what should I say, update? Hmm, yea, update of my productivity. Not really but there's improvement. At least, there's something. What am I rambling? *rolls eyes*

I did spring cleaning today. That's quite something. I am not satisfied with the cleaning, though. This house looks clean and neat but there's something that makes me go "I need to change that, I need to clean that, I need to organize that". Probably it is just my inner feeling for being extra 'rajin'. You know, I am a lazy person. That is one thing. Another thing is, whenever I feel diligent, I am like a machine or even worse I can't be stopped. I think this is the moment I am being a machine. You can't stop me once I've started. But once I've stopped, it's super hard to 'start' me.

For the reading part, errkk. That means I've not started yet. Maybe tonight but who knows. There is a reason behind all this. The other day, I was waiting the bus to go back home. I keep the book that I'm currently reading inside my backpack. When I got home, I just put the backpack away and yesterday I noticed that the backpack was quite damp. When I looked at the book, a small part of it was damp. So today, I let it sun dry. I know it's not a good idea because the pages will be curled and what not but I don't care. As long as the pages are dry and legible, I'm fine with it. It will look a tad bit hideous, though.

Why do I think my writing is so plain? I think I sound so serious. No, I'm not. To those out there, please read my writings in a cheerful way because that's how I read it in my mind, haha. Perhaps I should add some photos? Maybe not now. I don't want to deal with the copyright whatsoever.


Anyway, have good days ahead and take care of your health! :)

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