Sep 29, 2013

Life updates.

Been M.IA. for a few days and now I'm back.

The only reason is I was in a camp. The annual Badan Beruniform camp that everyone has to attend. It was held at Sungai Chongkak. It was okay. I wish I don't think about assignments often during the camp. It rips away the relaxation that I should've get.

Anyway, back at school yesterday and works were waiting. I've got lab reports to be written and handed in today. Still working on the last lab report. Next, Bahasa Melayu assignment. Then, I have to wash all my clothes by hand because I'm just too lazy to find coins. It has been months since I wash my clothes manually. I could still remember those days when I had to go to washing room right after prep hours then after I've done the washing, I had to complete my assignments. The average time I got to go to bed was at 2 o'clock in the morning. Yep, all those hard times I've pushed my body to do, resulted in falling pointer. Nevertheless, may Allah put barakah (blessings) in those actions. *shrugs*

I really do not have anything to talk about since my head is full of completing assignments. Today is the start of this week which means more assignments to come. I wish I could finish all the assignments so I could start studying for the exam. It's so near.

Anyway, we have another camp two weeks before the exam.

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