Oct 5, 2013

Be The Movement.

Charity walk for World Hunger Relief 2013 :)

This evening I accompanied my sister to Putrajaya for the charity walk. Such a serene feeling to be back at Putrajaya after so many months. I miss that place oh-so-dearly. The place that has taught me so much. It holds many memories.

The most interesting part for today is the St. John's Alumni Pipe Band (SJAPB). Upon the finishing line for the charity walk, there was a bagpipe and drum band playing songs for the walkers. I was sitting on the grass in front of Istana Kehakiman. Kakak started her walk and I don't want to stand waiting her to finish her 5KM walk so I sat. Then, I started hearing bagpipes sound and I thought they were going to play it for a few minutes. But then, somehow I got interested so I went to them and listened. They sounded really good. I was smiling all the way through their performance. Yes, I was smiling alone to the sound of them playing it and sometimes I chuckled 'cause they're just so good.

Oh, the 'skirt' as what we would call it, is actually called kilt. So, the Scottish don't wear skirt, people! They wear kilt. One thing that I noticed during the performance, the bagpipers had a way of tying their shoe laces. They took the shoe laces above their ankle and tied it at the front somewhere above the ankle. It was not like how we do it. It's different. Must be a scottish thing but I like how detailed they could be. In some of their photos (yes, I searched for their FB page because c'mon, a band that good deserves a 'good job' comment from the audience), they wore the scottish attire with songkok. They can play Malay songs with bagpipes. I could hear the song Lenggang Kangkung and this one song which I forgot the title.

Other than that, my day went normal. Woke up and pretty much that was it.

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