Sep 29, 2013

Life updates.

Been M.IA. for a few days and now I'm back.

The only reason is I was in a camp. The annual Badan Beruniform camp that everyone has to attend. It was held at Sungai Chongkak. It was okay. I wish I don't think about assignments often during the camp. It rips away the relaxation that I should've get.

Anyway, back at school yesterday and works were waiting. I've got lab reports to be written and handed in today. Still working on the last lab report. Next, Bahasa Melayu assignment. Then, I have to wash all my clothes by hand because I'm just too lazy to find coins. It has been months since I wash my clothes manually. I could still remember those days when I had to go to washing room right after prep hours then after I've done the washing, I had to complete my assignments. The average time I got to go to bed was at 2 o'clock in the morning. Yep, all those hard times I've pushed my body to do, resulted in falling pointer. Nevertheless, may Allah put barakah (blessings) in those actions. *shrugs*

I really do not have anything to talk about since my head is full of completing assignments. Today is the start of this week which means more assignments to come. I wish I could finish all the assignments so I could start studying for the exam. It's so near.

Anyway, we have another camp two weeks before the exam.

Sep 25, 2013

Random ramblings.

Such a slow-paced day. *shrugs*

Mr. H, sorry for not updating yesterday. The Internet was not being nice yesterday and I usually sleep right after prep at night so yea. Updating this blog at night will be tough for me but just for the sake of this blog (or marks, perhaps) I'll sacrifice my early sleep.

I've been trying to sleep early these past few weeks. That was a success. Falling asleep is easy for me. Liyana even experimented with my sleep. She found out that I need less than a minute to fall asleep. Haha, that's because I usually gets too tired at the end of the day and I don't sleep during the afternoon break so yea, it's easy for me. But at home, it could be really hard. I could just toss and turn on the bed for hours. Sometimes I sing out loud, very much an annoyance to my sister. Speaking of her, this is very unlikely but I miss my sisters. Kakak, Nana and Esya :)

I got a message from Kakak during Japanese Language class. She told me about runs (or marathons, I suppose) this upcoming October. One of 'em is Run for Gaza on 3rd October. Exam week. Since last week, she has been promoting marathons to me and all I could do is say no. School, work, exam. The things that we do for education.

It seems like everyone is busy doing their assignments. Mates, we shall rejoice and give our best. Whatever it is, don't forget God is always right by your side.

Ouh, earlier today Eric said "p/s" and I heard a girl asked about "p/s". From what I've searched long ago, p/s means post script. It is actually use when writing letters. It's common for people to miss out a point or two but they've signed the letter already. So, they will put p/s at the bottom of the letter to say the things that they've missed. But nowadays, it is commonly used as...I don't know how to say this but you can see how we use it. It is quite funny to think that we could just edit our writings and omit the necessity to use p/s.

p/s: See, I could just go back to the second paragraph and type "I miss my family so much" but this is what we normally do. We do unnecessary things. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Sep 22, 2013

Photo of the day #001

How it started?

It has been somewhat like eternity, hasn't it?

If you notice the new addition to the sidebar, I've put a 'Foreword' section. It's self-explanatory already but to make things clear, I'll tell you the full story.

A few days ago, a student from 4K1 said to my classmates and I that they have to write a journal everyday for Mr. H's class. Mr. Hasrul (a.k.a Mr. H) is our English Language teacher. We told the 4K1 student that we only have to write two short stories for this semester and that's all. I must say, I felt quite relieved at that moment. I do feel like it'd awesome if we get that assignment too, somehow.

Today, after assembly, we went to the Language Lab and Mr. H asked us what's going on with our journal. Right then, I knew that we have to do that assignment. Then, Nukman asked if it's possible we write our journal in blog posts form so it'd easier for Mr. H to read it and stuff. Yep, so I knew I have to continue writing and since I already have this one, which I seldom use, why not kan?

So, people.

From now on, you'll see me writing everyday. Okay, that I cannot promise because considering that we have a camp this weekend and it's nearly impossible to have Wi-Fi in the middle of nowhere. But, let's just say I'll write almost everyday, if and only if there's no obstacle whatsoever.

For now, the only people who knows about the existence of this blog are my classmates, Mr. H and possibly those who got lost while blogwalking. I'm still considering whether or not to make it public to my schoolmates. For the time being, maybe no.

'Till then, let's finish up our assignments!