Nov 18, 2013

Lessons from Mr.H's assignment.

Where is PERMATA students?! Twitter is very quiet right now.

Starting next Monday, we will be having our final exam for this year. Mr. H said this assignment lasts until the final exam so let's just assume Friday is the last day for this assignment. I'm still contemplating whether or not to continue blogging. I might do that.

Anyway, I'm thinking to write about what I've learnt when I'm doing this blog assignment. The day we were told to do this assignment, someone asked why we have to do this. Mr. H said it is somewhat like a therapy to our mind. Eventually, we will find ourselves more organized in our thoughts. And that's the first lesson that I've learnt while doing this assignment.

I am a person of words, remember? I think a lot. I tell stories to people a lot. Yana understands this, haha. Sometimes the story is as simple as my dream last night but I find sharing my stories is a way for me to stay connected with my friends. People don't always listen but just getting the thoughts out of my mind is a relief. I always visualize my mind as a clutter of words and stories. It's like the quaternary structure of a protein. So, being able to let my thoughts out in the form of words when blogging is actually a way for me to organize my thoughts. I'm addicted to organizing, mind you.

Alright, second lesson.

I get to know my fellow classmates though we don't blog often. It's like a community of bloggers. It's always a surprise reading what they wrote for the day. Yes, we're all in the same class and we stay together from morning until the end of prep hours. We see them but we don't really now what's happening inside of their minds. Take Anis, for example. She might seems quiet (she's not, let me tell you that. allow me to use bahasa mr. h. anis kacau kot semalam, join geng-geng merapu sekelas. takde persandingan berlaku, ok? :P) but when you read her posts, that's when I know what's happening inside her mind. Maybe not all of her thoughts but just an insight of what's happening in her unique mind. She thinks of things differently ;)

Why do I feel like this post is going no where?

I think that's all for now. I might be in hiatus during exam weeks so see you in three weeks.
I posted this before but it was taken to be drafted for a while due to some reasons which I've forgotten already.

A morning post.

I don't know why I'm here so sudden early in the morning. The air is colder :)

School is over for 2013. I'm actually confused whether I'm the normal or the not normal. It seems like almost everyone was like they'll miss their classmates and all. To me personally though, we'll meet again next year so it's nothing much. Except for the seniors of course.


Remembering how I met Kak Shafiqah, Kak Nabilah, Kak Najwa and talked to Kak Ad about a slimy green thing she did during one of her KP class. PPCS 2011. I don't know how the time could fly so fast (when you procrastinate, it flies really fast that's for sure lol) but a year later I'm in the same school with those aspiring people. Yep, with all the other hard-working seniors. They taught me many things in silence. What they do, what they think, their words.

Wait. I'm going no where with this post. Feel the emptiness. I don't know why it's there.

Oh. Weird thing happened a few days ago. I brushed it off. As usual, decided not to feed my curiosity though it kills me. Seriously, being treated this way I can't help but to feel like a plushie. Stuffed animal. It's a toy people play with it. Heh. You know, sometimes you're not even doing anything but you're inexplicably tired. A smile is there. It's a broken one though. The already lifeless eyes are empty than ever. Things do that to people. In case people don't know it yet.

Sometimes I just want to know. Is it hate? You hate me ah? Hate is such a strong word for me. It's hideous and speaks depression. but...hate is it?

Nov 4, 2013

Welcomed break.

I was studying Physics just now but a song made me stop :D

I've been listening to Maher Zain while I was revising Physics. Kakak will babbled at me for listening to songs during studying. She often asked how can one focus doing two things at once? I don't know. I could doze off if I don't listen to something while studying. But sometimes I do need a moment of pure silence.

Anyway, the song got to me so I stopped. I need this break though so, it's a welcomed break!

I can't wait for exams to be over. There's so much to do this holiday. It will be my first full holiday after spending four consecutive end of year holiday at PPCS. I wonder if it would be awkward, hihi. No PPCS this year, that would be a wee bit weird, wouldn't it?

A must for this holiday is going to Big Bad Wolf book sale. Other than that, I've got to brush up on my baking skills. And of course, gotta revise all form 4 topics before school next year starts. Of course, the last one will be a bit hard to start. I sorta like have a greater inertia when it comes to studying. So hard to start and so hard to stop. Uuuu, I'm talking Physics. That means I've had too much of Physics already. It's fun, though.

Haha. I could still remember myself at the start of this year. I decided to love Physics above the other science subjects. But when I learned even chapter 1, I decided to not love it. I hated conversion of measurements. The math component is just...absurd. Looking back now, Physics is not that bad. Just gotta know which formula to use. That's the tricky part actually. But I decide that I don't want to have Kakak's physics brain. Nope, not for me. I prefer something else.

That's all for now. SO EXCITED FOR THE HOLIDAYS! :D